He joined the psychosocial care program in mid-March 2018. He was during the earlier workshops very shy and introverted. Always sitting alone, he doesn’t participate in discussions and activities and prefers to stay silent. He would rather to be more of a listener than a talker.
During the photo language and drawing workshops, he wouldn’t participate in the activities and presentations. He did not have the spirit of initiative. He would rather isolate himself and sit outside the group. After encouragement from his colleagues to discuss what he drew Hadi talked about the thing that makes him happy which is the “stadium and football”. And the thing that makes him angry is the “occupation” and what it does and how it affects his life, the camp and his family.

During in the clay modeling workshops, he became more active and integrated on the group and activities. He modeled the things that made him angry and shared his stories with his colleagues confidently and said that “beaten by his teammates while playing football and blame him when the loss of the game” is what makes him angry. While in the Diorama workshops, he became more collaborated with the facilitators in arranging and cleaning the place and helping his colleagues to build their ideal city and participates in discussion and in dialogue. He became more active and even showed some leading skills and presented his ideal city ideas clearly and aloud.